Wednesday 4 April 2012

Vector Image Editing and Creation Software Review

Illustrator: 4 / 4 STARS

Illustrator is a complex piece of software used for creating vector based images. The file sizes in Illustrator are small yet still holds the high resolution which is one of the key features users look for. You can customise your workspace to only use the tools you want. Unfortunately Illustrator is expensive and can be very difficult to learn as you have to think like a vector artist in order to get the kind of images you want.

  • Small file sizes
  • Good resolution
  • Custom workspaces

  • Expensive
  • Can be difficult to learn
  • Have to think like a vector artist

Inkscape: 3 / 4 STARS

Inkscape is free software available to download off the internet. It can be used alongside other programmes such as PhotoShop/GIMP to finalise the images. It is great for converting black and white sketches into vector images. Unfortunately it can be a bit temperamental and begins to slow down when it hits around 10,000 nodes.

  • Free
  •  Easy to use
  • Easily convert black and white line drawings to vector

  • Can be a bit clunky
  • Cannot handle a lot of nodes


Inkscape is well known for being a good, free software programme throughout the online community but Adobe Illustrator is still miles ahead. They both produce very good vector images but Inkscape is still being developed so it is not as advanced as Illustrator. If you have the money it may be worth buying Illustrator but if not Inkscape will basically do everything you need to create basic vector based images. If Inkscape continues to improve it will probably start to overtake Illustrator in the rankings and eventually could become the favoured piece of software to use.

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