Wednesday 4 April 2012

Audio Editing Software Review

FL Studio: 3 / 4 STARS

FL Studio is a professional piece of software used for recording and editing sound. Although expensive to buy, once purchased you get a lifetime of free updates so you always have the latest version available. You can upload your own original music or pre-recorded music easily and mix the sound with no problem. FL Studio can be quite tricky to learn and may prove difficult for some people if they do not have the time/patience to learn all of the techniques.

  • Free lifetime updates
  • Can upload your own music
  • Easily mix sounds

  •  Difficult to learn all of the techniques
  • Expensive

Audacity: 3 / 4 STARS

Audacity is free software available for downloading off the internet. It is fully equipped to deal with most sound editing needs. Some people may find it difficult to download as you may have to install a driver as well and this sometimes does not save to the same place as your Audacity software. Audacity is easy to use for simple projects and if there is anything that you are unable to do there are plenty of tutorials online that may help. There is no video playback support but the software is free so we cannot expect everything from something we do no need to pay for.

  • Free
  • Fully featured
  • Lots of online tutorials
  • Easy for simple projects

  • Sometimes difficult to download
  • No video playback support


It seems that Audacity is the preferred choice among the online community as it is free and does most basic sound editing whether it be for band recordings or video sound editing, Audacity does everything that you need. If you want to spend money and time learning FL Studio then obviously there are some other advantages such as many more techniques and uses but for the average user Audacity seems to be better of the two.

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